EP 11: The Million-Dollar Question: How to CHOOSE YOUR CONTRACTOR? | 价值百万元的关键问题: 如何选择装修承包商?


In this week’s episode, we handle a very difficult question. Being renovation contractors ourselves, it’s not always easy for us to speak our minds on the subject. We’re personally acquainted with many other renovation contractors in the industry; they’re our business associates, our competitors and our friends – sometimes all at once.

But in the interest of transparency (which has been our goal with this YouTube channel from the very beginning), we feel that there are some things that must be said. Here’s our two cents’ worth on what to look out for when CHOOSING YOUR CONTRACTOR. These are our personal, candid thoughts on the renovation industry – the good, the bad and the ugly.
在这一集视频里, 我们将探索一个很棘手的问题。 身为装修承包商与设计师的我们, 这个话题牵涉到了太多利益纠纷, 因为在这个行业打滚了这么多年,我们也认识其他相关的承包商,有些是我们的生意伙伴,也是竞争对手,也有很多已经成为了我们的好朋友,时常很难划分清楚。

可是我们的 《匠心》 锦集的初心是为了让大家更了解我们的装修行业,与增加透明度。

While we are unable to carry out renovation works during the Circuit Breaker period, we are still contactable. We are continuing our correspondence with customers through phone calls and video calls. Contact us anytime!

虽然我们无法在病毒阻断措施实行期间完成任何装修工作, 但是我们还可以居家办公,继续帮顾客设计房子。其实现在正是最好的时候让大家有时间着手设计环节。 我们欢迎视频对话和沟通设计图。欢迎随时联系我们。

WhatsApp: +65 9007 3368
Facebook: facebook.com/renoscout.sg
Instagram: renoscout.sg
E-mail: rhys@renoscout.com
Website: www.renoscout.com

8 Kaki Bukit Ave 4
Singapore 415875*

*[Showroom visits are by appointment only. WhatsApp us any time!]